The Islamic Center of Cape Cod is located at 3072 Falmouth Road, Osterville, MA, 02655, on Massachusetts Route 28.
The entrance may be easy to miss as it is hidden behind trees. Drive slow, and be on the lookout for the entrance, as seen below.

We have plenty of parking space; however, you may need to park on the grass on Jummahs and Eid when we are especially busy.
Kindly enter from the main white entrance, as shown in the picture. Nevertheless, ICCC also maintains an accessible entrance (though currently only for the brothers).

When you enter, please put your shoes on the shoe rack. The sister’s accommodations are on the second floor. Follow the hallway, as seen in the right half of the image below, to the stairs.

Brother’s accommodation is found to the immediate left of the main entrance and is shown below.

The sister’s accommodations on the second floor are also shown for your reference.